Wet wrapping is used with children who have eczema that is not getting better after using flare control creams and moisturising creams regularly. It is not generally used for hand eczema.
It is a bit like making a cake, with layers of moisturising creams and bandages.
Put on a thick layer of moisturising creams on the area of skin with eczema on. A bandage is soaked in warm water, squeezed out, and then put on top of the moisturising cream. A dry bandage is then put over this as a top layer. Your doctor or nurse will show you how to do this.
The bandages can be worn under clothes during the day or under nightwear during the night. They are kept on for several hours.
You can also get wet wrapping clothes that can be used instead of bandages. These come as vests or leggings.
You can use wet wrapping with your child’s flare control creams. Wet wrapping should not be done unless your child’s doctor or nurse tells you to do so. It should not be used if your child’s eczema tends to get infected or is currently infected.